Standing Quad Stretch

While standing, grasp your left ankle with your left hand.  Bend your knee, bringing your ankle to your buttocks.  Keep your back straight and do not allow the knee to drift forward ahead of the stance leg. Hold for 30 seconds.  Release and repeat with your other leg. Perform 5 sets.

Hamstring Stretch

Start by lying on your back with legs bent.  Lift your left leg. Grasp the back of your left thigh with both hands and pull your leg towards you. Repeat stretch with your right leg.  Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.  Perform 5 sets.

Another way to do a hamstring stretch is by straighting one leg, place it with knee locked on a foot stool. Bend your body and bring your head toward the leg. Hold this position for 30 seconds and switch sides.  Perform 5 sets.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Get in lunge position with your right knee resting on the ground. Keep upper body tall and raise your right arm to the sky.  Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.  Switch sides, so that you left knee is resting on the ground. Perform  5 sets.

Gastroc (Calf) Stretch

Lean against a wall with both palms on the wall. The leg you want to stretch is back, several feet from the wall. Position your heel firmly on the floor. Your other leg is flexed about halfway between your back leg and the wall. Start with your back straight and gradually lunge forward until you feel the stretch in your calf. Hold for 30 seconds.  Switch the positions of your legs. Perform 5 sets.

Soleus (Lower Calf) Stretch

Position yourself similar to the gastroc stretch with back straight and palms against the wall. The difference is that you start in a “seated” position with both legs bent and your buttocks is dropped, so that both heals are positioned firmly on the ground. Gently lean into the wall until you feel the stretch in your lower calf. Hold 30 seconds. Relax and repeat 5 times.

Piriformis Stretch

Lying on your back with your knees bent. Put your right ankle on your left quad. With your hands on your left hamstring, bring your left leg towards you.  Hold this position for 30 seconds.  Repeat with your right leg.  Peform 5 sets.

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